Wednesday, August 3, 2011

First Review: Victory Brewing's Prima Pils

My first ever review belongs to a first rate beer: Victory Brewing Co.’s Prima Pils.

I first became interested in this beer a few weeks ago when Mindy and I were planning on trying out a local wine bar.  I was browsing their website and I noticed that they had a fine selection of beers, something I wasn’t expecting from the small café.  Now, this was mid July, the average temperature for that week was over 100 degrees.  I wanted something refreshing, so I set my mind on their pilsner offering, the Prima Pils.  Sadly, when I arrived there, they were out of stock.  Someone must have drugged me, and incepted me, because I couldn’t get the desire for a Prima Pils out of my head.  Luckily for me, Spec’s carries it in 6 packs, all the way from Pennsylvania.
In all it's glory.
The first pour of this beer was perfect, absolutely perfect: two fingers of head just barely lofting over the rim of my pint glass.  The color was a vibrant golden straw.  When you think of a German pilsner, you think of a clean golden lager, and this beer was true to its heritage. In fact, I would name this beer the new gold standard.  This beer also laces well, a friendly reminder of your progress through the brew.
I don’t have the greatest sense of smell, but I didn’t need that for this beer.  The beer smelled fresh, like spring almost.  It had very floral notes on the front end, the hops come through like a beer potpourri. There was also a light malt flavor present.
But mostly, this.  Plently of this.
This beer tasted like a classic pilsner should.  The hop flavor was dominating, very zesty, herbal, and posessed a fine bitter bite.  The bitterness lingers on your tongue for around 30 seconds after each drink.  Just like in the aroma, there is a smooth malt taste that hides behind the powerful hops, adding to the drinkability.  This beer was crisp and refreshing, exactly what I expect from a pilsner, exactly what I want to drink in the summertime.

Victory Brewing Co’s Prima Pils gets the highest rank I can bestow: a brilliant 5 out of 5 meaning drop everything and buy this.  The beer possessed every aspect of a pilsner that I could ever hope for.  The strong hop flavor was addicting, and I found myself quickly taking sips for a fresh rush of it.  If you’re looking for the prime example of a pilsner, look no further.

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